Stars: Liam Sharpe, Alejandro Speitzer, Juan Manuel Bernal
The series is comprised of 8 episodes and follows the adventures of two men—Joaquín Murrieta, a legendary figure also known as the Mexican Robin Hood, played by Juan Manuel Bernal (Monarca, Obediencia Perfecta), and Joaquín Carrillo, played by Alejandro Speitzer (Oscuro Deseo, Alguien tiene que morir)—whose paths intersect in the middle of a violent misunderstanding. They join forces to battle a common enemy, Harry Love, played by Steve Wilcox (S.O.Z.: Soldados o Zombies, Sons of Anarchy, The X-Files). Rounding up the cast is Yoshira Escárrega as Damace, Emiliano Zurita as Casey and newcomer Becky Zhu Wu as Adela Cheng.
February 17, 2023